Devaki Joshi's profile

Tool Design to Investigate Northern Visual Philosophy

Designing a tool to investigate a visual philosophy of the exhibition "Design Latitudes" for the development of identity of the exhibition  

Research: This project investigated historical and modern northern design artefacts from countries of the north in the north of Europe and Canada and the application of the artefacts in the context of the visual language in North. The artefacts include photographs, clothing, architecture, products and graphic design artefacts. The research was translated in a mood board representing a mix of cultural artefacts.

Tool Design: The tool designed to investigate visual philosophy of the exhibition "Design Latitude" uses the mood board and a spiral format to identify the key attributes using the mood board and eventually result in a verbal characteristics cloud.

Tool Board​​​​​​​

Mood Board

Accessories  Required are Placed in Pocket

Creating Clouds of Themes
Tool Design to Investigate Northern Visual Philosophy

Tool Design to Investigate Northern Visual Philosophy

Research: This project investigated historical and modern northern design artefacts from countries of the north in the north of Europe and Canada Read More
