Carol Rempto's profile


Azul (which means blue in portuguese) is a comics project based on a story created by my friend Lizie Evangelista (you can check her work here: and it's about a girl that seeks the truth. She is very curious and knows what she wants, so she start a journey to find it. She ends up meeting two characters, more like entities, that help her in this task. One is an experienced woman called "Vida" (that translates to "Life") and the other one is an old man called "Destino" (Destiny, in english). She ends up discovering that sometimes things are not what we expect them to be, but wonderful things can happen if you keep you heart and mind open for new possibilities.

(PT-BR) Azul é um projeto de história em quadrinhos baseada na história homônima criada pela minha amiga Lizie Evangelista e é sobre uma menina que procura uma verdade. Ela é muito curiosa e sabe muito bem o que quer, então começa uma jornada para procurar a sua verdade. Ela acaba conhecendo dois personagens, que são como entidades, que podem ajudá-la em sua tarefa. Uma é uma mulher vivida chamada "Vida" e outro um homem idoso chamado Destino. Ela acaba descobrindo que nem sempre as coisas são como esperamos que elas sejam, mas coisas maravilhosas podem acontecer se você permitir que seu coração e mente estejam abertos a novas possibilidades.
Cover and Back Cover
End Papers - Pattern created with objects that belong to the characters
Main character in her childhood. She is very curious and also knows what she wants.
Blue bird that was choosen by the girl
Everybody knows that truths are green and lies are red
The whole story turns around the fact that truths are green and lies are red, so the girl was seeking something green, truthful, for her life. It happens in three whimsical scenarios that represent more a state of mind of the main character than a real place. So, everytime she makes new discoveries and gain more experience, the "mood" of the story changes and it comes with a change of colors and scenarios.
Girl: Life, are we there? Life: Almost... 
I'm Destiny. I know what you're looking for...
Destiny: I have many truths in there. Also many lies... One day I've decided to paint it all in blue. It's a beautiful color...
"I think blue is the most beautiful color!


