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WIP Children's Book

The entire concept of my book was to try and help encourage a strong sense of self-worth in children. The song, "Try" by Colbie Caillat, explains the effects of peer pressure, and what it can have on a person, and the growth you can take to love yourself rather than adjust yourself to other peoples standards. I believe that this is important for all ages, and while I think it may be a bit difficult to understand for toddlers I do think that the message will still imbue itself into their thoughts as they grow older. And if they have trouble with peer pressure even at the age of nine or older, they can look at this book and understand a bit better about loving yourself and that we're all unique and amazing in our own ways. Self-esteem building is crucial at a young age, and so I hope that this book can help with that and still provide kids with pretty illustrations and bright colors. I want them to grow up loving themselves.

There's actually a character in my book that I based off of a good friend of mine, and she appears on page 1 and 10. I wanted to add her into the book because she struggles a lot with self-esteem, and is currently working hard to be happy despite a lot of personal issues in her life. I also tried to make it seem like she, along with another character, appeared more than once in the book with a 'change'. The redhead from the second page appeared again on page eight, though that was a last minute spur of the moment idea. I had thought that signaling a change in her appearance (her cut hair) would show some of the lengths that some people would go to in order to be 'popular', and about how it's not always the best thing to do. It's a bit hard to understand, at first, but I think that it can become easier to understand once they're older. Or they just may get it right off the bat with a, "Hey, why'd she cut her hair?" kind of question. Kids are smart!

I hope that the book touches people's hearts like the song did mine. It's a beautiful song, and I think that everyone should hear it and really, really listen to it. 
WIP Children's Book

WIP Children's Book

For my Print & Pub class, we needed to choose a song and use the lyrics as a story for a Childrens Book, to which we would illustrate in some way Read More
