The Voodoo Project
Anti - Online Music Piracy
‘The Voodoo Project’ was a stand against online music piracy campaign, initiated by Rhythm House. The attempt was to showcase the serious crimes of online piracy & illegal music downloads from the internet and their effects on the musicians & artists.
Voodoo dolls of famous & recognized artist were created and installed all over  the Rhythm House music store. Specially designed pins in the form of cursors were fabricated and pinned on the dolls of the artists. This made the buyers & fans experience the indirect harm their actions cause to their favorite artists. It was a real eye opener and the message was well received. This activity was also carried out in other music stores in the form of posters.
Lady Gaga
Project voodoo

Project voodoo

‘The Voodoo Project’ was a stand against online music piracy campaign, initiated by Rhythm House. The attempt was to showcase the serious crimes Read More
