This is a 3D printing project done for a Design Communication class (VIS 41) at UC San Diego. I was inspired by a philosophy Barnett Newman had about his paintings that I learned in an art history class. I used Illustrator to create a sketch of what I imagined. Then I used Autodesk Fusion 360 to design the model and printed using 3D printers in the Envision Maker Studio Space at UCSD. 

Newman said that if you could read his paintings then it means the end of totalitarianism. That one day we might live in a world full of people who can appreciate radical reduction of art, in a world of people who do not build oppressive state institutions.
If people were that open to the sublime, ready to embrace radical transgression of norms, then they are not people who engage in capitalism.

I wanted to combine two opposing symbols, so I my idea was to picture a car driving through a Barnett Newman painting. My original idea was to reference the Ford Model T because it was the car that was able to be mass produced for the middle class thanks to Henry Ford's innovation of assembly line production. So positioning this symbol of American capitalism bursting through Newman's paintings and his philosophy, created an interesting tension and conceptual juxtaposition. 
Ford + Newman

Ford + Newman
