After thousands of years of drifting around unknown lands, the human established himself in so- cieties, the ones were the fetus of the posterior and actual cities. Despite the big change that ment adopting sedentary lifestyle as a new way of life, it has always remained on us that primitive nomad instinct, and only those who let themselves get swept away by that fundamental intuition have found prosperity in the experience that drifting is. Getting into the flow by the unknown attractive in a world yet to be discovered is a fountain of wisdom in which you will never cease your thirst. The eternal and seductive line of the horizon has brought man to far stages wether physical or mental, and that seduction is the one that encourages us to discover and get to discover ourselves. 
The drifter lives in an external world, leaving all facilities and commodities behind to find them in other places or things, and exchanges knowledge and experien- ces for more of this. He camouflages with his environment and little by little he experiences a meta- morphosis that leads to a more complete person, more human and with more humanity. Going adrift is the reaction to all those concerns and all those ties of our everyday life, and its the antidote to the instability, but this instability actually grows as much as you prospere both mentally and physically. There is people that travels for religious matters, others who rethink their lives, what do they do or how do they work as humans, and others who just wander for the pleasure of knowing roads. I want to concern you about those sensations, situations and emotions that flourish when you are on a journey. I want to make you remind all those thoughts about your experiences on your trips, provoking on you a desire to travel. The progression of the individual during his experience adrift and how his thoughts and actions tend to evolve in new and unexplored atmospheres are two of the reasons encouraging us to start walking the path. Being carried along by the instinct gives us experiences that lead to meet other ways of living, cultures, ideas, emotions and mentalities that we would have never expected before. The trip is the best school, it teaches us to choose, and questions all those rules, ideas and lessons that have been imposed through the long or short of our lives, by a society that teaches us the roads to follow and not the ones to discover. Traveling rejuvenates, enriches and thrives in all the spectrum to the traveler, the metamorphose he experiments it has been, it is and it will be one of the reasons why people keeps on moving, and that is the reason why we give up to routine. That transformation we feel is as abstract as the reason why we feel it. Sensations, emotions and situations are undetermined and ideal, and that is the intangible which provides a total abstraction and volatility. Randomness is the essence of “la dérive” as a way of traveling, and it is the one that makes magi- cal and mysteriously beautiful the reality you live in. Many times brings you to inescrutable corners, and it awakes an irresistible and exquisite unknown that makes you question where are the bounda- ries of your limits. That enigma gets partially solved when you find yourself in the metaphoric path of the trip, and I say partially because it is the completion of the puzzle the one that takes us to other directions in search of new sensations and experiences which keep on feeding us spiritually. This lines you are reading now have turned into all the mental maps, analogies, thoughts, representations, pshychogeographies, photographies, texts and more that you will be finding during trip that means glancing over this book. Take your time, chill, breathe and let the adventure begin. 

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After thousands of years of drifting around unknown lands, the human established himself in so- cieties, the ones were the fetus of the posterior Read More
