(t)here is a visual essay, born from my long-lasting "fetish" of taking pictures to religious images in order to capture the most vivid expressions and angles out of them. Many years ago I used an analog camera with a T-Max black & white roll to photograph a small replica of a "pietá". After development, I stumbled upon a very eloquent image that did stand out from the set...

Full analog photography (as it was developed on photographic paper) & detail.

As striking as the original image was, I felt that it could have an additional level of meaning. I came up with a small typographic game that delivered a big message. I'm not religious by nature, but my personal opinion is that, if there's some superior energy or being that brings guidance to our lives, the best way to look for it/him is not inside a building, room or cathedral; but right here, at our side, or even inside us.

The original design was so popular among my relatives and acquaintances that I produced a limited print in form of a poster (2 inks - sepia for the picture, silver ink for the background).



A visual essay about spiritual guidance and where to find it.
