Dansk Markedsføring (tidligere Huset Markedsføring)

Dansk Markedsføring
During my internship at Konstellation (July - December, 2015) I was brought in to help with the digital transformation from UX to visualizing the design in PhotoShop. As this was my first extensive and very elaborative digital design assignment, it was a great opportunity and experience to be involved. 

When I was brought in the UX and a few pages had already been made by their team. Which meant, that they had prepared a great framework, in order for me to create, establish and visualize each page. The UX were only explained and unfolded for the desktop, but it did not establish any difficulties once the unfolding of the mobile version took place. Furthermore, with the backing and guidance of a great digital mentor (Jos S. Holbak) I was able to gain a lot of knowledge and know-how during this assignment. 

My tasks given during this case were; visualize UX to PSDs for desktop and mobile, and redesign their newsletters for members and subscribers. If you would like to view the entire case study, then I have made a PDF (it also includes before images).
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Dansk Markedsføring (tidligere Huset Markedsføring)

Dansk Markedsføring (tidligere Huset Markedsføring)

Case study on Dansk Markedsføring redesign. Downloadable PDF version with before images.
