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Starpack: Food on the move

 Starpack: Food on the Move
Redesign the packaging for a lunchtime wrap and individual cake.
Student Starpark Awards 2012 Bronze winner.
Brief A: Food On The Move (Sponsored by the Benson Group)
Redesign the packaging for a lunchtime wrap and invividual cake.
With our lives busier than ever, often the British consumer is required to eat whilst on
the move. The High street is full of café shops and sandwich outlets offering cuisines
from around the world as a grab and go lunchtime option.

The filled wrap has been a popular lunchtime option, but often the packaging is not
inspiring and doesn’t show the product to its full potential. Individual cakes such as
carrot cake and brownies have also grown in market share as a treat during the working
Somehow the element of “a treat” is not communicated fully by the packaging

The brief was to design the packaging for a lunchtime wrap and individual cake whilst eating ‘on the go'.
My design process began with figuring out how the consumer would hold the food packaging while on the move. I experimented many different outcomes and my final solution took its form as a pentagonal cylinder, as both wraps comfortably sit in the shape. To begin your 'lunch break' you tear the perforated centre which allows the packaging to fall into two sections allowing you to access the food.
This device doesn't only contain the food well but also is comfortable to carry while on the move.
The graphics resemble the content. As seen in the example above the clear plastic window has been cut into the shape of a chicken to allow you to see the wrap inside. The packaging graphics for the wrap resembles the tortilla wrap and baking marks. Each different wrap is colour coded for example red for chicken, organic green for veggie, purple for duck and ocean blue for tuna.
The pentagonal cylinder allows the packaging to sit well together on the shelf.
Starpack: Food on the move

Starpack: Food on the move

The filled wrap has been a popular lunchtime option, but often the packaging is notinspiring and doesn’t show the product to its full potential. Read More
