Dissent is aimed to be a tool for protestors that fear for their safety. As a college student and seeing that many people around me are suddenly engaged in trying to make change, I have embarked on a mission in creating a way of safeguarding their efforts.
"Why do we need this?"

There exists a growing distrust for opposition, and in response, this is my answer for all those that fear of intervention against their efforts.
 Here are some features.
no.1 : Dead Man's Switch
If a person trips the dead man's switch, it will activate the second major feature.
no. 2 Blackbox
A huge data dump of all recorded information(videos,sound,biometric data) is made public to the organization. Then the phone is encrypted and rendered useless, making it tamper-proof.
no. 3 Truesight Lenses
All data recorded is instantly sent to our offshore servers. Censorship will not be tolerated.
There are around five more features in development that will remain hidden until use. Below are random screens of the UI currently.


A mobile application based around political and social movements.
