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2O17 Chinese New Year Of Rooster | buddha Rooster Palm

【 2O17 Chinese New Year Of Rooster | buddha Rooster Palm 】

因為很喜歡周星馳,所以都會放一些周星馳電影裡面的元素或符號或梗在設計上,今年特別版是用了電影【 功夫 】裡面周星馳被蛇咬後,躲在紅綠燈裡面那個空間打出滿滿的掌印的這個梗,今年是雞年,還是希望大家可以保持著很牛的脾氣,有稜有角的過完這一年。新的一年的生活也許不可能像想像中的那麼好,但也不會像想像中那麼差,今年二Oㄧ七年依舊會有水星逆行也絕對會有鳥事,但如果遇到好事的時候請伸出手好好接受與把握,遇到鳥事的話也請不要吝嗇地用如來神掌與它槓到底。


Because I really like Stephen Chow, so I draw a lot of inspirations from his movies. I decided to use a scene from the movie "Kung Fu Hustle" where Stephen Chow is hiding inside the traffic light and recovering from the snake bite to emphasize that things aren't always as bad as they seem. You are going to encounter obstacles as the year goes on, but make sure you fight these obstacles with your Buddha palm technique, just as Stephen Chow does in the movie. And if something good happens to you, make sure you cherish them.

Designed | Ti-Ming Chu Workshop
Printed | 印.簿.玩 
Risoprint | O.OO Risograph & Design
Photography | Quarter Studio 果得影像工作室

2O17 Chinese New Year Of Rooster | buddha Rooster Palm


2O17 Chinese New Year Of Rooster | buddha Rooster Palm

Designed | Ti-Ming Chu Printed | 印.簿.玩 Risoprint | O.OO Photography | 果得影像 www.timingchu.com
