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Design Thinking Workshop: Dexter's Laboratory

Design Thinking Workshop: Dexter's Laboratory
The Design Thinking Workshop held by students of National Tsing Hua University, Institute of Service Science. In the workshop with the topic o f service design in shopping mall, we go through the stage of EMPATHY, DEFINE, IDEATE, PROTOTYPE, TEST and STORYTELLING with the participants to let them have more understanding in design thinking and service design in a super fun way.

2015年10月, もっと多い人にデザイン思考をわかるようになりたくて、「ショッピングモールのサービスデザイン」を題し、一泊二日デザイン思考のワークショップを行った。ワークショップの中に、私はデザイン思考のDefineを教えるコーチとチームをサッポトするTAを担当した。大学院のメンバーたちと一緒にデザイン思考について全く分からない人も簡単に理解できるような伝え方を考えた。かなり新鮮な体験である。
Ice breaking and the phase of empathy.
Participants used post-it to share what they have found and observed from the shopping mall and built representative persona from these results.
Having fun in categorizing insights, brainstorming and sharing ideas.
To demonstrate ideas in a fun way, we used Lego and acting to tell the whole story.
In the workshop, I responsible for the stage of Define, the supplementary information for the participants : 
Supplementary information for participants to understand how "Define" works more easily.
On the other hand, also supporting the team as TA.
Design Thinking Workshop: Dexter's Laboratory

Design Thinking Workshop: Dexter's Laboratory


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