Frank Allen's profile

Meadow Crime Scene

I actually came on this scene from the direction of the house, but decided to "film" the approach coming out of the woods.
I darkened the photo to try and get a clearer image of the print. From the size and shape, I'm guessing it was a fox.
I think that whatever it was killed the turkey, ripped out most of its feathers, then dragged it several feet away before eating it. What do you think?
I used a camera trap to take the pictures of the wild life. I had failed to set the camera's calendar so the dates are wrong, but the time is correct.
I've since set up a camera trap in the area and have compiled a list of suspects. Despite the date stamp, this picture was actually taken March 18th.
This would be March 12th. This suspect may have realized that the area was being watched.
March 10th.
March 10th. Sadly, witnesses still have not come forward.
Meadow Crime Scene

Meadow Crime Scene

The remains of an animal kill I found while hiking one afternoon.
