João Alves's profile

2009 / Funtastic Aveiro / Weekend Guide

Funtastic Aveiro
academic project. 2009.
In the celebration of the 250th birthday of Aveiro, class students were proposed to design a guide tour through the city. Each group was given a main theme. "Well-Being" was the direction the project has taken. Later on, redirected through to the inner subject "fun".

The conceptualization began starting to design a 3-day weekend to the young folks, with the city's properties and the exercise briefing always in mind. Big four games/ctivities along with the some parties and dinners were part ofthe confraternization.
The first exercise (to all the groups) was to designed a starting identity to our city guide, composed by a trademark logo and all the do's and dont's presented in a manual of specifications.
So, we intended to design an atractive and colorful logo joining a set of small elements that could denote the weekend activities and the city ex-libris: the "moliceiro" (boat).

Piece by piece, this was the final result:
Second stage, the three of us divided into single works regarding the guide. I got in charge of the activities representation logos. It was tried to follow the same type of response given in the main trademark giving these logos half-history and half-activity personification.

The 4 games were:
"Bacas Loucas" (The Mad Cowz)
"O Duelo da Antónia" (Antónia's Duel)
"Cagaréus vs. Ceboleiros"
"Rugby Mole" (Floppy Rugby)
The third and last individual sub-work was to design a promotional poster to spread in the city most important spots. The size required was A2. Following the path taken so far was, of course, implied. Followed by the "old-school" impetus, it was the 90's teenager rebellion who spoke louder and the stencils started to gave shape.
The four represented activities symbolize (yes, that's it.) the four games referred above.

Last, but not least, we had a small exercise and made some standard and some originals merchandising applications of the trademark and it's main colors. Emphasys on the cloth wristle which gives entrance to all the events and activities related to the weekend.
Individually, the poster outcome way better than the activities logos, both digital and print.

Overall, it was the first full-semester group work during my degree (2008-2011), so it was interesting to learn more skills with the other two classmates. The group was satisfied with the overall result: both the suppositional guide lined up and the pratical exercises which conferred the whole of the identity of "Funtastic Aveiro".


Working group along with:
Luís Honrado and Sérgio de Carvalho.

Year of Degree: 1st, 2nd semester
Subject: Projecto em Design I
Teachers: Gonçalo Gomes / Pedro Taboaço
2009 / Funtastic Aveiro / Weekend Guide

2009 / Funtastic Aveiro / Weekend Guide

A weekeng fun guide tour through Aveiro, to celebrate it's 250 years as a city. Merchadising, history-related activities, socializing events in t Read More
