PHOBIA - The journey into the world of fear
Concept of my unfinished story
In July 2016, when I was struggling to find a idea for my graduation thesis in graphic design school, I accidentally met a boy in a small bookshop. Seen from the looks of him, it's a normal boy. But after talking with him, I learned that he was suffering from a syndrome called Achluophobia (Fear of the Dark). He felt  more frightening when the sun goes down. His story inspires me.
Then I went home and started to sketch the characters who will appear in my story.
I presented this idea to my teacher and he seemed interested. So I decided to develop the story of a little boy with his toys  explore the world of fear.
There are some layouts for the story:
"I'm falling"
Unfortunately, in the process of implementing this project, I encountered many difficulties in life. 
So I did not continue this story.


This is my unfinished story
