'Eatables' Project:

Aim: To create an unique interactive dining experience.

Large scale dining with a twist. A mundane experience is made into a memorable experience with an element of surprise. 
Renewable Energy Group Project:

Aim: To design a product powered by 1 or more forms of renewable energy.

Not only will you be doing your bit to save the environment, but the GravLamp is the perfect modern addition to any home. Whether used inside the home or outside the GravLamp will provide an light whenever its needed.

Developed alongside Samantha Bailey, Andrew Barcley and Fraser Haldane.

SIE Fresh Ideas 2017
Highly commended entry

Our 'Fresh idea' was the development of a widely used product, a leg splint to help with conditions resulting in dropfoot. The aim was to become a supplier to the NHS.

Product developed alongside Calum Fleming



3rd Year Product design project. Brief portfolio containing university and personal design projects.
