Task List

Task list, originally named Simple To-Do, was a task manager I designed after working on Atlas: Scheduling Reinvented for Mobile. Atlas included it's own task manager, but it was the bare minimum; meanwhile in 2013-2015, task management apps were some of the most popular and growing apps. Yet they all failed, and continue to do so.

My hypothesis is that task management apps fail is for two reasons: 
1. Task Management apps are slower and less convenient than paper the typical use case, ie. paper  
2. The additional functionality provided, including cloud saves, sharing tasks, etc. aren't enough for users to switch over from paper

This was true for me, and for hundreds of people interviewed over the past three years.

So I designed and released Task List. The rules were simple:
1. Speed and efficiency were the top priority
2. All other features were to be as minimalist as possible, or cut altogether
The format is simple: a main page displays categories/headers, tasks associated to each, and functions related to the given task. Tasks can have related subtasks, which leads to its own page (bottom left), and each task can also have notes associated to it on it's own dedicated page. 
The basic second design iteration added two significant changes: the plus to add tasks immediately to a category quickly (instead of having to tap on the category and then new task/plus) changed to the number of tasks and subtasks in any given category, while retaining the tap-to-add functionality; and the original MVP I designed included an alarm feature which was removed in favor of focusing on the core tasks and notes.
After some development time, the following became a very simple MVP that was released publicly and can be downloaded here.
Task List

Task List
