Kirill Sudarikov's profile

Here Abide Monsters (Fumetto'17)

Here Abide Monsters
This comic story I drew for Fumetto'17 and it is dedicated to the world within our world, which hardly anyone pays attention. This is the world of stray animals, which is very different from the world of people. Animals can not understand the purpose and origins of human things, and you can only guess what the strange and frightening they may seem to them.  For person is not difficult to cross highway, but for animal is a feat, which may could cost him his life.
World of Animals is something like the world of the natives, who in the 20th century met with civilization, these tribes prayed objects of technical progress, because it is outside the scope of their understanding of the world.  
Technological civilization creates more and more dangerous not only for the plant, but also for the animal world. For this topic, I would like to draw attention in this comic.

Here Abide Monsters (Fumetto'17)

Here Abide Monsters (Fumetto'17)

This comic I drew for Fumetto'17 and it is dedicated to the world within our world-- the world of stray animals.
