Morena Sarzo's profile

World Over Pixels

WORLD OVER PIXELS // Interactive Installation
June 2014 :: M-IA :: 2014 Venice
Project by: Morena Sarzo
Sound: Tommaso Ermolli
Word over Pixels is an installation where the visitors interact with their digital image and sound in real time. The viewer has two options: continue to move along the installation or stop in front of it. In the first case he is looking to an image of himself and nothing more, it’s like a mirror. Meanwhile in the second case, after a few moments the image begins to divide itself in various pixels. The surrounding ground noise, captured by a microphone out of the room, becomes a metallic sound when there are pixels. You can refuse this digital uniformity, moving and sweeping away the pixels.
Nell’installazione World over Pixels i visitatori interagiscono con video e audio in tempo reale. Il fruitore può scegliere se continuare a muoversi o rimanere fermo davanti al proprio “specchio digitale”. Nel primo caso non accade nulla, nel secondo invece dopo pochi istanti l’immagine comincia a dividersi in vari pixel, il rumore catturato da un microfono esterno si trasforma in suono metallico. È possibile rifiutare l’uniformità digitale grazie al movimento che spazza via i pixel.
World Over Pixels

World Over Pixels

Video inspired by the work and writings of Kazimir Malevich, he is a pioneer of geometric abstract art and the originator of the avant-garde Supr Read More
