Laura Hurtado's profile

Thypography in Motion

T Y P O G R A P H Y   I N   M O T I O N

-  S U N  O F  A  G U N  -

The typographic composition of this video is inspired by the duality between love and attachment.
A "rope" that surrounds the body. Sun of a Gun (a song by Oh Land) it's a metaphor
for how we orbit around the sun. A love story about being in a relationship with a person
who's destructive, but you keep coming back because you can't let it go.

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T O  U N D E R S T A N D  L I F E 
I  M U S T  U N D E R S T A N D  D E A T H

Personal project developed in a workshop with the graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister.
For the creation of the piece we had to inspire on ¨Things I have learned in my life so far¨,
a number of pieces created by Sagmeister, in which different materials are used to create
typographic quotes. The main idea of this video was to think of a simple sentence
that identify you. We had to create a piece in one day, trying something that you never
have done before, regardless of the means or materials.

Thypography in Motion