CyberBully | PSA video

This a Cyberbully Public Services Announcement(PSA) concept study that my team and me did for outdoor media subject. The concept that we use for this cyberbully is we focus on the predator which are the the bullies in social media also commonly know as "keyboard warrios". The cocept here is we wanted to highlight that  this "keyboard Warrios" maybe be loke nice from the outside but very bad from the inside. That why we come up we a slogan which are "Sometimes Haters look just like us".

We did various type of outdoor media which are TVC ads and Poster series.
The down below is the design that I did for the project. I did a TVC ads using gif format .

This is the poster series design that i did which i use the most use social media that user use which is instagram and youtube as a design layout.
CyberBully | PSA video