His color scheme was loosely based on a cicada,
though it showed through the most on his underbelly flesh, including arms and neck
The lily pad is the first time I've ever used a paint medium to thin paint, rather than water.
 I think it worked out far better than water ever did.
His wings are made by embedding hammered copper wire into handmade flax paper that I pulped at Cave Paper in Minneapolis
I definitely need more practice with acrylic paints,
I couldn't get that flower/succulent to smooth out after a disastrous first layer
See him in action on my other project, Wake, where this poor babe gets his precious eyeball feast stolen right from under his feet! Expect to see a second version of these cuties with some updates, and if you're thinking about a trip to Minneapolis, check out Cave Paper for fine artist paper and internship opportunities! No papermaking experience required (although it is a cold, damp process, especially in the Winter time.)



One of the critters from Wake is realized in a polymer clay and handmade paper form!
