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Photoshop Movie Poster "Assimilation"

Final Photoshop Movie Poster Project: "Assimilation"
I created this movie poster for my Advanced Electronic Imaging class. This Sci-Fi movie poster was based on the movies Avatar and First Contact. The actress Zoe Saldana played Neytiri in Avatar, she also plays Uhura in the new Star Trek films. I thought it would be interesting to create a poster for a movie that would have the Na'vi, the peaceful people of Pandora in the movie Avatar, being "assimilated" by the Borg collective (characters from an older Star Trek movie). We were to design the poster to be as realistic as possible, so I used the fonts Universal Accreditation for the movie credits and Nemesis Enforcer for the title, tag line, and date. Movie production logos were also used for realism. Work in progress images are below.
Work in Progress One: Original Image
I started with a royalty free image I found on Pixabay. This model would be the base image used to create my Na'vi.
Work in Progress Two: Creating my Na'vi.
I used Filter>Liquify>Face Tool to enhance her facial features. I then used suggestions from a Photoshop tutorial to create my Na'vi. I used different Layer Styles, colors, and effects in over 30 separate layers to produce my Na'vi.
Work in Progress Three: Creating the Borg
I used the profile image of a bald woman to create my Borg.
Work in Progress Four: Assimilation 
I used the pen tool to create a vector mask for my Na'vi, using the facial profile of the bald woman as an outline. I strategically placed the Na'vi image on top of the bald image in order to produce an optical illusion of a forward facing Na'vi and a profile Borg. I created the cyborg cranial hardware and used a mottled color fill.
Work in Progress Five: Refine Image
I used shading and highlights to refine the image. The computer circuit was added to enhance the Si-Fi concept. I added the tag line, "Resistance in futile" to represent the famous Borg declaration as they assimilated civilizations into their collective.
Photoshop Movie Poster "Assimilation"

Photoshop Movie Poster "Assimilation"

This image was produced for my Advanced Electronic Imaging class.
