Judgement Series
The world is shaped everyday through our biases, beliefs, and judgements. At first glance we categorizes things, people, and places by preconceived notions and catalog them into perfect little boxes that suit our stereotypes. But, these ‘boxes’ are insufficient in capturing the complexity of the reality engulfing us, especially in regards to the individual. No matter how similar one person is to another, each has a different story to tell that is often forgotten. When this factor is overlooked we lose the human element and individuals, groups and communities become dehumanized stereotypes.  The images in this series serve to challenge our initial judgements and stereotypes and reveal the complexities of the individuals around us.

Art Direction and Photography: Ariel Ramirez
Typographer: Mariesa Greenholt
Models: Samantha Parsons, Josh Jennings, 
Alexis Gibbs, Lemuel Ramirez

All images ©2016 Ariel Ramirez no uses granted or implied. Please submit request for use to Ariel@FromAnArielView.com.
Judgement Series

Judgement Series
