Bethlehem Behailu's profile

PROJECT 3 - Behance Portfolio

PROJECT 3 - Behance Portfolio
For this assignment i will be showing you the process i took while making my shadow box. I had the opportunity to choose whatever theme i wanted so i decided to choose a christmas theme because i thought it was fitting. For this i assignment i will be showing you the prep work, as well as the steps i took to make this winter wonderland. 

(1) Shoe box (I cut the box in 2 pieces to make it larger)
(3) Light up icicles (Also a great find) 
(4) Glue sticks
(5) Glue gun
(6) decorative tape
(7) Coloured ribbons (ended up not using these)
(8) Gold wire ribbons
(9) Bronze spray paint (I thought it would be a good idea to mask the shoe box's identity)
(10) Cotten balls (for the fake snow)
(11) Glitter (can't forget the glitter)
(12) Bronze strong lights 
I cut my shoe box in half and laid the pieces together in preparation for the gluing, making sure the sizing was correct. 
I glued along the sides of the 2 pieces, making sure they were securly attached.
I made sure to glue the ends of the box so it would look nice and neat.
While the box was drying, i then started to assemble my fake snow. I took these regular cotton balls and started to slowly pull at them so they would look more fluffy and snow like. 
I then laid all of my fake snow along the bottom of the box before glueing to see how it would look and make any adjustments if needed. I found that i needed to make the snow look fluffier so i went back in and pulled it apart some more. 
After everything was glued down i then added some silver glitter because everything is prettier with glitter.
I felt like my shadow box was looking a bit bare with all the extra space so i decided to make some snow flakes out of Q-tips(not listed on the product list) 
I hot glued the q-tips together one at a time, making sure i applied firm pressure so it didn't fall apart. 
I then thought it would be a cool idea to add sparkles to the snow flake since i had extra and why not. I applied hair spray first, so i could create a sticky base, then i applied the glitter. 
I then used that gold ribbon to attach the snow flakes onto the shadow box, to make it appear that the snow is falling down. 
I then glued down the trees, added more sparkles (of course) and added any last finishing touches to the box. 
Final Product
This project was super fun and a nice break from all the rest projects and assignments i have to do for these last weeks of school. I really love the christmas time and the holidays so getting the chance to showcase what i love was super fun. This shadow box was very inexpensive to make and every item i used could be found at the dollar store if anyone every wanted to re create it or make your own. I might add some little touches here and there before submitting the shadow box but overall i am pretty happy with the way it turned out. 

PROJECT 3 - Behance Portfolio

PROJECT 3 - Behance Portfolio

Christmas shadow box
