Lucille - Roller Queen 1953 (aka Hell on wheels)  
This version with hijab was inspired by a news item here in Montreal, where a muslim woman was turned away from an indoor roller rink because she refused to remove her “hat” (as reported on the news) as per the rink’s policy. She brought her story to the media and ultimately won an apology from the rink administration who stated that this policy would be revised.
The idea of such diametrically opposed cultures as islam and the roller derby world coming together was irresistible, and produced this I Love Jeannie sort of hybrid.
Lucille's  many transitions
The inspiration for Lucille;  a roller derby search lead me to her. 
Wish I knew who she was, but so far I've been unable to dig up a name.
below, how she might look today
Roller Derby

Roller Derby

Roller Derby Queen - Character Design
