Now, as they talked on, a dog that lay there

lifted up his muzzle, pricked his ears...

It was Argos, long-enduring Odysseus’ dog

he trained as a puppy once, but little joy he got

since all too soon he shipped to sacred Troy.

In the old days young hunters loved to set him

coursing after the wild goats and deer and hares.

But now with his master gone he lay there, castaway,

on piles of dung from mules and cattle...

But the moment he sensed Odysseus standing by

he thumped his tail, nuzzling low, and his ears dropped,

though he had no strength to drag himself an inch

toward his master. Odysseus glanced to the side

and flicked away a tear...

Homer, The Odyssey


Argos is an aromatherapy service providing clinically tested essential oils and wearable diffusers for household dogs. 

Completed in the Summer of 2016

Senior Capstone - 01 08 2016 / 08 11 2016




Design Execution


Brand Identity




Argos is an aromatherapy service providing clinically tested essential oils and wearable diffusers for household dogs.
