For this project one of my struggles with it was that the pen tool was not working as well as I wanted it to, when I was trying to fill in the the feet with colour it was taken me a bit longer to complete, with the help of one of my class mates she helped me figure it out. I used adobe illustrator, I did not use any other materials besides adobe illustrator and google images of tweety. I have always loved tweety bird as a child so when the chance came up to re-create any character that I wanted to I chose tweety bird. First I opened adobe and then I opened google and looked up images of tweety bird, then I copied and pasted into illustrator, after I started to use the curvature tool and traced tweety. Once I had tweety traced I went to the colour pallet and eye drop tool and filled in tweety. I learned that some simple things can be harder than expected and vise versa. If I had more time I probably would of choose another character and done more detail.  
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first tracing assignment


Creative Fields