Eric Cavanaugh's profile

American Campus Communities Ad Campaign

American Campus Communities is the nation's largest private developer, financier and manager of campus housing communities. Our job was to help them show off their new video case studies in a business-to-business print campaign that would run in trade journals.

To communicate the tailored solution ACC provides to each of their clients, we recommended a visual solution that would also stand out in the trade journal environment. The 'spot the difference' puzzles visually portrayed the headline and the solution to the puzzle added another reason to follow through with the call to action. 
This audience values details, so each ad featured a QR code that linked directly to a 3-5 minute video case study. We purposefully made the visual puzzle challenging for any extra convincing that was necessary to get someone to follow through with the ad. In addition to the video, the mobile site had a cool swipe-and-reveal feature to expose all 6 differences in the photos. 
American Campus Communities Ad Campaign

American Campus Communities Ad Campaign

B2B print campaign for a campus housing developer. Created while at Frank+Victor Design
