Who can resist a Halloween project? We discovered the excellent book by Paper Dandy (www.paperdandy.co.uk) depicting horror scenes carefully crafted in paper. We immediately purchased several copies, all ready for filming. Our idea was to capture a moment in time as the camera slowly moved about the paper scene. The shoot was challenging due to heat and the scale of the paper images, a couple of hours shooting quickly turned into 3 days.

The post production equally gained length as more and more ideas came about once the footage was viewed. We added subtle parts of CG to add more atmosphere and a heavy colour grade. Mocha was used in every shot to track the text and to create alpha mattes to control the volumetric lighting within After Effects. This part of the project would not have happened with out Mocha, it enabled us to work quickly, loosely and craft the look we where going for.

The last shot included one complete modelled 3D character paused in flight as he attempts to slay the paper wolf. Details of the model being built can be scene here http://sparklevfx.com/studio-news/2016/8/14/organic-modelling

Take some time to have a look at the book by Paper Dandy, it inspired this project and has reconnected us with making things to film.


Who can resist a Halloween project? We discovered the excellent book by Paper Dandy (www.paperdandy.co.uk) depicting horror scenes carefully craf Read More
