Makayla King's profile

Institutional Branding

The U.S. is currently in the midst of an opiate crisis and traditional methods of addiction treatment are extremely ineffective and just further fund the pharmaceutical companies. Fortunately, marijuana is being more accepted, legalized and prescribed as medication. However, since the marijuana industry is fairly new its almost like uncharted territory as far as design goes. Traditionally, design related to marijuana is extremely cliche and doesn't portray the new and improved marijuana industry. 

Growing Hope is a fictional medical marijuana clinic that specializes on treating addiction with the use of marijuana, especially opiate and alcohol addiction. By partnering with treatment centers it assures that only patients with a true need for the marijuana treatment receive it. Once an individual becomes a patient at Growing Hope they not only receive medical care but also support with 24/7 helplines and endless encouragement and support.

Institutional Branding

Institutional Branding

The U.S. is currently in the midst of an opiate crisis and traditional methods of addiction treatment are extremely ineffective and just further Read More
