Join us in creating a zine based on our interest on people. We invite you to send over a screenshot of your current activities on your PC, phone, tablet, etc. This is a collaborative project to get a glimpse about each other. This zine is initiated by @ScoutingUnit.
We are calling for submission from all of you. Everyone is invited.

Fill this form below, send along the screenshot of your current PC, phone, tablet, etc. screen to before Nov 1, 2016.
1. Name / Nickname
2. Age
3. Occupation
4. Postcode
5. Time of photo taken

1. We encourage you to be spontaneous
2. No photoshop / editing is needed. Come as you are.
3. Screenshots from any device from any operating system from any year are all welcomed.

Contact us for more information or questions.

Please help us spread the word. Send this to someone next to you, your neighbour, your grandpapa, anyone. We look forward for you to share your Tendency.
#ScoutingUnit #TendencyZine #ScoutingUnitPress
Tendency Zine

Tendency Zine

Join us in creating a zine based on our interest on people. We invite you to send over a screenshot of your current activities on your PC, phone, Read More
