Eyass Ymbryne is the concept of a young ymbryne in Training. 
An Ymbryne (pronounced im-brin) in the book Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children is a female Syndrigast or Peculiar(n.) who can manipulate time and can take the form of a bird. Ymbrynes take care of peculiars to hide them from "the world's dangers" by creating stable time loops that can only be accessed by other peculiars to provide temporal isolation from the rest of the world.

“We keep at safe,we created a time loop, the loop preserves the last twenty four hours, restarts the loop and can stay here forever"
Concept for the artwork
This is a concept for young Alma Peregrine of the book "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children". I've been reading lots of books and I thought it'd be a good idea to illustrate some of my favorite book guardians in their younger self. So here I start with young Alma Peregrine.
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Eyass Ymbryne

Eyass Ymbryne

An idea from a book lover like me to illustrate younger versions of many of our favorite book guardians. These brave guardians that tried their h Read More
