Promotional video for a Kickstarter campaign introducing an adventure-style yogurt product that can maintain its nutrition outside of the refrigerator.
This project went through many stages and revisions during it’s six month timeframe. A friend of mine, Owen Schoeniger, had recruited me to help create a video for a Kickstarter campaign, which also incorporated minimal design and branding to make the project cohesive and marketable.

The earliest stages of the project began by discussing how to create an engaging story that would help explain why this yogurt product is worth using in your life. The message we decided to distill was how it will not spoil in the absence of a refrigerator or cooler, allowing the consumer to take this snack, and its probiotic nutrition, nearly anywhere. It was about taking yogurt where it has never been before.

While we storyboarded, we knew it would help give us boundaries and a more refined structure to interview the person behind the product, Michael Stauffer of Get Silly Ice Cream. After gaining a clearer picture through his vision for the launch as well as his answers to some of our questions during the video interview, we were able to continue filming, both the product-in-action and some supporting footage, to build the video into what it is now.

The actual name we would use to launch the product is what changed the most because we had to avoid names already in use by other unique yogurt products. The placeholder name at the beginning was NuMeltz, which changed to NUYO, but from there we had to continue tweaking it, using NUYOGO and On-The-Go Yogurt before settling on Let’s Go Yogurt.

During the project’s development, I also worked in Squarespace to create a basic framework for the website that Kickstarter would link back to, but this part of the project has since been handed off to Mike’s development team and is not as aesthetically cohesive as I was trying to make the design. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the final design of the landing page I had in place before handing it off. What you see below is the initial design before the name was changed. So that’s one lesson learned: keep track of your progress, especially towards the end when the most important revisions are often made.
We also snapped a few product photographs to be used on the website and Kickstarter page.
Due to some uncertainties, Mike and his team have yet to launch the campaign and make it live for donations, so at this time I cannot link to their current page, but overall I enjoyed collaborating with my friend, who handled more of the communications, research, and financial side of the project, and working through the challenges that arose when working with a client and his vision to find the places we could agree would help ignite the viewer’s curiosity, invite them to learn more about the product, and inevitably help support its growth.

Thanks for looking!
Let's Go Yogurt

Let's Go Yogurt

