A Psychedelic Poster Initiative
This project began with a concept in pencil that I sketched in consideration of the right/left hemispheres of the brain, & their relationship to each other.  I scanned the sketch and continued the work in Photoshop.  The concept extended into exploration of mental interaction with the "third eye", the idea of chakra, psychedelic experience, spiritual perception, and the multi-faceted, increasingly popular mandate: "Open Your Eyes."  

In pursuit of a decidedly unique look, I made a point to include off-beat techniques (color scheme, composition, texture, etc) and extremely "deep" detail with complex textures that must be viewed closely to see fully.  

This makes a beautiful poster print and an engaging conversational piece that hangs on my wall as well as three others.  (A few of my friends requested to buy prints, and I am happy to provide them to anyone who is interested.)  Open Your Eyes!
Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes

A Poster of Psychedelic Proportions


Creative Fields