"‘You make me feel like numbers.’ Two friends talk politics over the carcass of a dead dog. A couple find love in the park while their children fight in the sandpit. Pagans gather at dusk in the park for a strange ritual... An exploration into the mathematics of character creation: the actors' parts and the scenes are randomised by an algorithm at the start of every performance. There are over 36 trillion variations: the kiss kiss calculus. You'll never see the same play twice. A new piece of experimental theatre by Jack Bradfield." 
 - from Edfringe

Graphics and Marketing Material Designed by Cambrea Roy for the theatrical event "XX", which was debuted at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Icon, Social Media Profile Photo
XX (kiss kiss)

XX (kiss kiss)

XX (kiss kiss) Theatrical Play debuted at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016 in Edinburgh, Scotland
