Ive chosen Heston Blumenthal’s unorthodox ways in the kitchen as my theme. It is interesting how this mad scientist-like chef completely shatters people’s knowledge on food. I first created a specific double page spread for the featured chef. It is only right to show how much of a great artist/chemist/chef this man is. Talking about why and how he came by into creating his eccentric meals. Afterwards, I designed a featured double page spread about one of his creations that is magically disgusting that just makes you wonder how it would taste. Lastly, I designed another double page spread for one of his recipes, Snail Porridge. It consists of the ingredients, directions, times, and some pictures of the finished product.

Other than the spreads, I also created a cover for the magazine which accentuates the technical yet artistic aspects of this magazine. It is very scientific, yet artistically intriguing. This also applies for the poster.

The food magazine theme that I have chosen is “Unusual”. Ingredients that an ordinary person would never deem suitable for each other mixed with an unorthodox way of cooking. This theme seem interesting to myself, and although the cooking require a lot of extra work and seem chaotic, I wanted a simple and straightforward design for the magazine. The cover and poster were both meant to work for each other. I decided earlier on that the back of the magazine can be where the poster is placed. The front page is artistic, modern and interesting. It is not like any other food magazine, considering the overall design and background, but that is exactly what it meant to show. I wanted this magazine to attract both chefs, food enthusiasts, designers and ordinary people. It has a very wide range of audience that it wants to pull in. The inside spreads, although a bit different from the front page, are still much focused on design and function. Blocks of solid colours are used to accentuate each corner of the spread, from the name, to the ingredients, to facts, etc. The design is very ambitious, and is out of the ordinary, but this is exactly what sets this magazine apart from anything ordinary. The theme is unusual, the designs are innovative and it still manages to keep the spread its point across.
Fat Duck magazine

Fat Duck magazine

As the final project, we were asked to design a magazine and a poster for this magazine. The specifics were that the magazine had to be a food ma Read More
