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CAMPUSonline Dashboard ("Visitenkarte") redesign draft

This is a basic redesign and layout draft for the CAMPUSonline ideas competition.
Below you can see the first screen that pops up after logging in (as requested in the competition):
The new dashboard ("Visitenkarte") after logging into CAMPUSonline.
The new layout and design is composed of a top bar which lets you switch between different universities you are enrolled in on the left, a centered search field for a comprehensive platform search and a user menu on the right for user specific links (like settinks, etc.). The header of the new design lets the user navigate through the platform.
The body part of the new dashboard layout is composed of different modules. Each student can choose from a wide variety of modules and place them on the dashboard in two columns. You can see several examples of modules: the student's lectures of the day, upcoming examns, etc.

By clicking on the floating action button on the bottom right the user can manage the modules.
Preview of the edit dashboard overlay.
Ⓒ Thomas Wilhelm, 2016
CAMPUSonline Dashboard ("Visitenkarte") redesign draft

CAMPUSonline Dashboard ("Visitenkarte") redesign draft

Submission for the idea competition for CAMPUSonline


Creative Fields