Typography day 2012
No âmbito do concurso Typography Day 2012 na Índia, foi proposto que desenvolvessemos um cartaz de acordo com a nossa palavra preferida na nossa língua mãe, e teríamos de a comunicar partindo do pressuposto de que quem visse o cartaz não iria saber o que a palavra significava e teria apenas através da sua comunicação de a compreender, sendo que o único meio de comunicação teria de ser a tipografia.

Texto que acompanhava o cartaz /memória descritiva:

My favorite word is bittersweet. For me, the meaning of this word describes the flavor of life, and as I see it, life has both its sweet and bitter side to it.
My choice is not only due to the philosophy of the word, but also for the whole dynamic meaning of it, as it can vividly describe colors and tastes.
My intention is to show everyone that this concept deserves our reflection. The meaning of bittersweet can be applied to most things in our lives. The idea in this project was motivated by having to "get your hands dirty" and find food and its flavors that describe the word.
On a general level, the poster is composed of the word that is written on a cutting board where the letters come to life with the very foods that make up the word - bitter for food that is sour, salty or spicy, and sweet for food that is sweet. The word bitter will take on a more aggressive meaning and therefore will be spelled out in capital letters and the word sweet in lowercase letters to show a connotation of a smoother and more mild meaning.
Trying to therefore overcome the barrier of comfort, we are confronted directly by the simplicity of things that surround us.



typography day 2012
