The Truth About Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
 An interactive resource for people with MS
Multiple sclerosis is a chronic, neurodegenerative disease that is as mystifying to physicians as it is Google-able to patients. Online, people with MS are met with a profusion of information when they search for their disease. Not all of it is accurate. So Genzyme asked H4B Chelsea for an interactive source of good information to include on their unbranded repository of all things MS, The MS Atrium.

Our solution was to build "The Truth About MS," an interactive site asset that debunks, validates, or elucidates MS myths proliferating across the web in an easy-to-digest Q&A format.

To provide the best answers possible, we wrote the initial manuscript for the asset based on peer-reviewed journal articles. After a client-vetted draft, we edited the content with an MS specialist to ensure that people with MS would be reading accurate, up-to-date information about their disease.

When designing "The Truth About MS," we were careful to comply with standards for websites geared toward people with disability. Sensitive to vision problems often associated with MS, "The Truth About MS" comprises adjustable font levels, as well as an audio component synced with text and visuals. The same neurologist advising the content also lent his voice.

Ultimately, we produced an informative, interactive, and user-friendly tool that will hopefully help demystify a chronic disease for the people who have it and those who care for them.
The Truth About MS

The Truth About MS

Hear experts in MS answer questions about the condition, what may cause it, and how to live well with it.


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