Blank Poster - Weltformat exhibition

Autumn 2016, Blank Poster was part of the yearly Weltformat poster festival held in Luzern, Switzerland. As one of 10 exhibitions at the festival, we featured a selection of 110 posters from the Blank Poster website.
In the entrance of the exhibition a blank poster was hung up on which visitors were asked to write a random word so that it could be used as a design brief on the website. In the end the poster was filled with words, illustrations, scribbles and even love declarations. <3

From this poster five words were chosen, namely Bananas, Friction, Blah, Dick and Break, which then were used as the design briefs on the five following weeks.
See more images and read more about the exhibition
Thank you Weltformat
Blank Poster - Weltformat exhibition

Blank Poster - Weltformat exhibition

Blank Poster exhibition design at Weltformat poster festival 2016.
