Samantha Thiessen's profile

State Farm at Woman's Conferences

State Farm has entered in the woman's conference space to speak to their financial capabilities to woman who are ready to take control and achieve their dreams. Through this great "Write Now" program that my team has created we are targeting the right person who are ready to work and reach for their goal. The idea is based on the stat that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goal if you write it down. Aligning with State Farm's new brand reframe of "Here to help life go right" this shows in what ways.

Creative Team:
Creative Director: Leigh Finney
Art Director and Lettering: Samantha Thiessen
Copy: Aaron Frye
Render: Bruce Forgan
Different posters and ads are placed among the space tying in the look and feel of handlettering and SF branding. Enforcing the idea of if you write your goal down, you are more likely to do it.
The look and feel is inspired by whimsical fun creative using handlettering and a "paint brush/hand ons" design.
Attendees are able to walk up and write their goal on a design decal and place on the dream tower. 
State Farm at Woman's Conferences

State Farm at Woman's Conferences

Write Now is a program my team has created for State Farm to target goal oriented woman who are ready to achieve their dreams and need financial Read More
