Longhand explores the complexity of our identities and how we can express them in a moment in time. Stemming from Taiye Selasi’s Ted Talk on the 3R’s (Rituals, Restrictions, and Relationships) identity is much more than “where” we are from, it is where we are a “local”. With this in mind, Longhand aims to explore identity through gestural expression at a specific moment: how do people express their identities through writing and contributing to a greater, public space? By interacting with the piece the participant is encouraged to contribute, play, and question this very intention.

Longhand invites people to write a “message” or story on a piece of paper and hang it in the installation. This process is meant to  be an exploration of identity. Longhand was displayed at Concordia’s 2016 Design Exhibition, Spectrum.

Longhand was designed in collaboration with: Julia Panchyzna, Melanie Palapuz, Maria Mahdessian and Le Nguyen.


Longhand is an installation that explores the complexity of identity through gestural expression. It studies identity in a moment in time by invi Read More
