For this project we had to design a book cover for a book we didn’t read before. Being a passionate Murakami reader I choose 1Q84, which just got out on the market at that time. So all i knew about this book, that the story was about parallel worlds.

To communicate those worlds I choose to work with four covers instead of one. In each of the covers one of the characters of the title 1Q84 was cut out of transparent coloured paper. By laying the different covers over each other you get different colour impressions and the characters of the title don’t stand side by side but one behind the other, to communicate the merging of the different worlds.
Katrin Bichler
Katrin Bichler
Katrin Bichler
Katrin Bichler
1Q84 Book Cover

1Q84 Book Cover

Bookcoverdesign for 1Q84
