Molly Zhai's profile

Subliminal -- a mobile and wear app for mental health

As part of a semester long project for CS160 (UI), my team and I went through the entire design process of building a mobile and wear app, from ideation and user research to prototypes to building a usable mobile and wear application. Here are some steps we went through:
Sketches from our initial ideation session
Many interviews later, we had iterated through two prototypes. The above flow chart shows the navigation and data layers, and the bottom shows a comparison of the first two iterations. We then used Invision to create a high-fi prototype of the current prototype and ask people to try it and give feedback.
We presented our app via a poster showcasing the process and a working app on an Android phone and Android wear watch for viewers to test out. 
Subliminal -- a mobile and wear app for mental health

Subliminal -- a mobile and wear app for mental health

As part of a semester-long CS160 (UI) project, my team designed and created a Android mobile and wear app for combating the many challenges that Read More
