Portal do Minho || Wine Packaging Design

wine packaging design

Com inspiração nos campos minhotos, pintados de flores e perfumados pelos seus odores nascem os cinco novos rótulos do Portal do Minho, coloridos e repletos de frescura, para celebrar o verão, num estilo contemporâneo e leve. A M&A Creative Agency foi selecionada pelo Lidl para renovar a imagem da gama destes vinhos verdes, a escolha perfeita para um final de tarde ou um encontro entre amigos num momento de convívio revestido de frescura.

Os rótulos valorizam a simplicidade através de pequenos pormenores com estampagem, mediante as cores selecionadas para as diferentes castas e aplicação de verniz localizado. Alguns dos vinhos da gama foram recentemente premiados, atestando a sua qualidade.

Inspired by Minho fields, painted with flowers and perfumed by their scents, the five new labels Portal do Minho arise, colorful and full of freshness to celebrate the summer. M&A Creative Agency was selected by Lidl to renew the image of the range of these green wines, the perfect choice for a late afternoon or a meeting between friends. 

These labels value simplicity through small details with printing, varnish and different colors for each grape varieties. Some wines were recently awarded, attesting to its quality

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Design M&A Creative Agency
Photography M&A Creative Agency
Client Lidl Portugal
Project Portugal . 2016
This is a commercial project
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Portal do Minho || Wine Packaging Design


Portal do Minho || Wine Packaging Design

Inspired by Minho fields, painted with flowers and perfumed by their scents, the five new labels Portal do Minho arise, colorful and full of fres Read More
