The Home screen  is where all the issues are listed as and when they've been recorded.
Adding an issue shows the user a popup wherein the user has to enter the details required and also add the description of the issue as explained
by the customer
Clicking on any of the issue will lead the user to this page where there will be a thread-based conversation. The user also has the ability to tag some one using "@" so that another user can collaborate and work on.
In the Companies screen (which the user can access using the side nav, the user will be able to see the list of all companies which are fetched by this app from the parent app
Clicking on a particular company will show the user a popup with all the details. The Company Details tab will contain all the details and the Contacts tab shows the user all the contacts associated with a particular company. Moreover, the user can make changes to the Company Details and Contacts fields by clicking the edit icon on the top right corner.
Smooth - CRM App


Smooth - CRM App

An app designed to help log issues and solve customer-related problems in an easy and efficient way.
