Zionsdirect.com | Zion's Bank

ZionsDirect is the arm of Zion's Bank that allows for the direct-bidding on bond auctions and bid securities. The existing site was a non-responsive web of circular pages that would offer little information to end users. The client had a desire to grow their user base (including first-time bidders) and make what they did more approachable.

We restructured the content of the site, made it responsive, and provided a modular UI toolkit for data visualization and information as well as iconography. This would let the internal team add content as they saw fit and stay consistent while communicating the forward-nature of the arm of the organization. We also created elements for new users, such as a sidebar 'definitions' list that would allow for unfamiliar users to learn terms without leaving the site. We also crafted a set of custom guilloche patterns for the headers and color-coded them by section (there's not a lot of existing visual assets in the bond auctions department), as you can imagine.

Zionsdirect.com | Zion's Bank

Project Made For

Zionsdirect.com | Zion's Bank

ZionsDirect is the arm of Zion's Bank that allows for the direct-bidding on bond auctions and bid securities. The existing site was a non-respons Read More
