Make Your Mark

Background –
Mitsubishi is a popular and reputable Japan-made car manufacturer that’s been around for a long time. They have reached 90,000 customers in 2015 and aims to be strive better for their customers.

Problem –
In Malaysia, Mitsubishi is not the first choice when it comes to Japan-made cars, as it faces tight competition with other Japanese car manufacturers. Despite being japan made, the designs are perceived as dated and it's brand perception undermined by other car brands that have a stronger positioning in the market.

Objective –
To come up with a campaign idea that would make mitsubishi stand out among its competitors.
Objective –
What all working adults care about when they step into the industry is making money, but as the years go by, they crave for something bigger – they want to leave something behind in the world.

With this value being the core message of the brand, we challenge our target audience, the PMEBs (professionals, managers, executives, businessmen) to step up and make their mark in this world.

To bring this value to our target audience, we mapped each Mitsubishi car to match different personalities, determining what kind of car suits those qualities best.
These cars are regular cars, but when a source of light shines on them, its inner beasts appear.
An elephant to represent the inner beast of a Mitsubishi Outlander, because they are both strong and focus on being together
with their families.
A cheetah to represent the inner strength of a Mitusbishi Lancer, because they both strive for speed and power. 
A rhinoceros to represent the animal within of a Mitsubishi Triton, because  they're both tough and solid.
The motion-sensing screen will be located in KLCC Tunnel. There will be a QR code at the beginning of the board, for scanning and data collection. After selecting an animal, the screen will morph from a person's shadow into an animal's. ​​​​​​​
At the end of the digital board, there will be a Mitsubishi car display.
Your phone will then automatically be redirected to the campaign's microsite.
This is the desktop version of the microsite. It has a personality quiz to help anyone discover the inner beast inside of them. it will then recommend them the cars that suit them best, according to the answers they've picked. At the end of the site, there will be a test drive form, for anyone who wishes to test drive a Mitsubishi car.
Here's a desktop version of the microsite.
Special billboards with hanging cars will be deployed around busy highways. During the day, the cars will attract the curiosity of drivers, but during the night, the shadow messages will reveal themselves. This is targeted 
to people who drive to and fro from work.
These are what will happen to the billboards, day vs night.
This integrated campaign marketing aims to bring brand awareness and also shoot up Mitsubishi car sales in the following months.
Make Your Mark

Make Your Mark

This was a real (but old) brief from an agency that we used as our group project in class, for Mitsubishi Motors. At first, the 4 of us girls we Read More
