Aosheng Ran's profile

MilksFriends: VI Design for a Chinese NGO

“Mr. Milk & Her LGBTI Friends” (MilksFriends) was founded in 2016 as a non-profit organization. We support LGBTI people’s freedom of speech and respect a variety of cultures in society. By psychological consulting, individual support and public education, we are looking forward to helping LGBTI people develop self-identifications, building a world where every citizen acknowledges, understands, and celebrates equality and diversity.

“米尔克和他的朋友们” 成立于 2016 年,是一家关注同志公民自由表达、推动多元文化发展的非营利组织。我们致力于透过心理咨询、自助助人和公共教育等手法,以增强 LGBTI 及相关人群的自我认同,实现一个中国公民能看见差异、多元共融、平等生活的社会环境。

May 17, 2016 (IDAHOT)
Movie Salon: Run into The Danish Girl

June 28, 2016
成都骄傲 + :成都历史上第一个骄傲月 / 周

June 28, 2016
“米尔克和他的朋友们” 开幕筹款酒会

September 2016 - Present

Thanks for watching.

MilksFriends: VI Design for a Chinese NGO

MilksFriends: VI Design for a Chinese NGO
